Our Mission
Our Mission is to prepare women and men for professional ministry in the Roman Catholic Church, for careers in theological education, and for living a life dedicated to solidarity with those on the margins of society and the Church in the knowledge of Christian faith.
We achieve our mission through the offerings listed below.
- Classroom lectures, seminars, and guided readings
- Workshops that enable students to communicate more effectively and conduct themselves professionally
- Methodologies for social analysis and theological reflection
- Supervised field education
- Faculty advising to help students plan and choose programs and courses and reflect on their academic progress
- Support for faculty scholarship and professional development, research, and publication
- Access to the University of San Diego’s graduate course offerings
- Access to USD’s Copley Library
- Daily and weekly prayer
- Spiritual formation through formal programs, retreats, faith sharing groups, and spiritual direction referrals
- Social justice activities
- Recreational and social activities
Our Theological Vision
Our theological vision is based on the Incarnation. We believe that God became human for us out of love. Following the example of St. Francis in his “Canticle of the Creatures,” we believe that all creation speaks to us of God because it was formed to reflect the face of Christ.
Our vision of Christ includes all creation in an embrace of mutuality, equality, and respect. We seek to foster a relationship of brother and sister to each other. Our theological tradition encourages us to emphasize the unique revelation of God in each person, in every culture, and in all creatures. It fosters special concern for those on the margins of society and the Church.
The Franciscan School of Theology is committed to embodying Franciscan theology in a religiously and culturally diverse world. In our living, our learning, our relationships, and our community, we address both the head and the heart by integrating the pastoral and academic dimensions of theological study. We offer an intercultural Christian community in which to prepare for ministry.
Our Relationship with The University of San Diego
The theological vision and mission of the Franciscan School of Theology partners easily with the vision and mission of the University of San Diego. The two schools share an affinity relationship in Catholic identity, commitment to academic excellence, dedication to social change, and awareness of the unique challenges of living in a global world. FST’s philosophical and theological inheritance, well established in the biblical sources and Catholic magisterial teaching, discovers God’s presence in all of creation and every creature. The tradition’s focus on the dignity of the person made in the image of God interfaces easily with the major social and cultural themes of a significant Catholic University. The spirituality so well expressed in the Canticle of Creatures of Francis of Assisi and the environmental sensitivity of the University create a potent and creative force in today’s world. Through this partnership in a curricular and service affiliation, a path is opened for personal exchange, academic study, and experiential learning that fosters excellence in theological and professional training.
Make an impact in the lives of students and the communities they serve. Your generous support empowers our mission to form flourishing faith leaders that heal our world.